sobota, 12 kwietnia 2014

Senators propose 'Let Me Google That For You Act' aimed at outdated technical agency

Senators propose 'Let Me Google That For You Act' aimed at outdated technical agency Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla) is well known for his Wastebook reports, annual documents that detail the unwieldy and often absurd expenditures made by the federal government. Now, Coburn and a bipartisan group of policymakers have come together to propose a new bill aimed at a single agency, the National Technology Information Service (NTIS), they view as outdated and unnecessary. The bill, snarkily named the "Let Me Google That For You Act," sets its sights on the NTIS for charging for technical reports that anyone can Google for free. The NTIS was established in 1970 within the Department of Commerce as a resource for the country's government-funded technical, scientific, engineering, and business data.

via Tech News Headlines - Yahoo News

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