poniedziałek, 2 września 2013

Apple rolls out iPhone trade-in program in U.S. stores

iPhone 5 models are pictured on display at an Apple Store in Pasadena, California SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc has launched a trade-in program in its U.S. retail stores for older models of its iPhone as it gears up for the launch of a new version of the smartphone, it said on Friday. Apple will give customers a credit for their old phones to be used toward the purchase of a new model, an Apple spokeswoman said. A thriving industry exists for older versions of smartphones, especially the iPhone, on websites such as eBay and Gazelle. Even broken iPhones can fetch as much as $125 from vendors, who resell them in the United States and internationally. ...

via Tech News Headlines - Yahoo! News http://news.yahoo.com/apple-rolls-iphone-trade-program-u-stores-183635113--finance.html

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