Hackers took over the social media accounts of Iran's Al-Alam television Sunday and posted material supportive of the Saudi-led air war against Iran-backed rebels in Yemen, the Arabic-language channel said. The hackers used Al-Alam's official Twitter account to put out false reports of the death of the leader of the Shiite rebels in Yemen, Abdulmalik al-Huthi, forcing the channel to issue denials. "Al-Alam Twitter account and its YouTube network were hacked today, Sunday, by Saudi Arabia and were temporarily out of service," the television said on its website. "Al-Alam's professional activities regarding Saudi Arabia's aggression on Yemen in recent weeks have caused the Saudis to be greatly furious with this network," it added.
via Tech News Headlines - Yahoo News http://news.yahoo.com/pro-saudi-hackers-seize-iran-tvs-social-media-102630549.html
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