wtorek, 10 lutego 2015

U.S. to establish new cybersecurity agency: official

A computer screenshot shows the U.S. Central Command Twitter feed after it was apparently hacked by people claiming to be Islamic State sympathizers The United States government is creating a new agency to monitor cybersecurity threats, pooling and analyzing information on a spectrum of diffuse risks, a senior Obama administration official said on Tuesday. The Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC) will be an "intelligence center that will 'connect the dots' between various cyber threats to the nation so that relevant departments and agencies are aware of these threats in as close to real time as possible," the official said on condition of anonymity. Obama has moved cybersecurity to the top of his 2015 agenda after recent hacking attacks against Sony Pictures , Home Depot Inc and Target Corp and the federal government itself.

via Tech News Headlines - Yahoo News http://ift.tt/1FtDCCu

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