Though neither computer's outward appearance is expected to be altered, what's under the hood is set to get a very impressive upgrade, especially in the case of the 15-inch MacBook Pro, which is expected to get 16GB of RAM as standard, even on the base configuration model. According to numerous sources, including Apple Insider, each 15-inch notebook is also getting a faster Intel Core i7 processor and better harddrive options too. Also, if information that originally is believed to have come from an Apple Store in China is totally accurate, Apple might also be planning to introduce a third ‘maxed out' version of the 15-inch notebook as a standalone model which will boast a 2.8Ghz Intel Core i7 processor, 16GB of RAM, a 1TB SSD and Intel Iris Pro and Nvidia GeForce GT 750M graphics. Apple has already released refreshed MacBook Airs and iMacs this year and in updating the internal components has also cut retail prices.
via Tech News Headlines - Yahoo News
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