środa, 12 marca 2014

Web founder Berners-Lee calls for online 'Magna Carta' to protect users

World Wide Web founder Berners-Lee delivers a speech at the Bilbao Web Summit in the Palacio Euskalduna. The inventor of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee, called on Wednesday for bill of rights to protect freedom of speech on the Internet and users' rights after leaks about government surveillance of online activity. Exactly 25 years since the London-born computer scientist invented the web, Berners-Lee said there was a need for a charter like England's historic Magna Carta to help guarantee fundamental principles online. Web privacy and freedom have come under scrutiny since former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden last year leaked a raft of secret documents revealing a vast U.S. government system for monitoring phone and Internet data.

via Tech News Headlines - Yahoo News http://ift.tt/1izZxAE

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