sobota, 7 grudnia 2013

White House promises more transparency in second Open Government plan

White House promises more transparency in second Open Government plan Earlier this week, the Obama administration released its second Open Government National Action Plan, building on an earlier initiative to make government more transparent. Both documents were published to help meet the standards of the Open Government Project, an international agreement founded by the US and seven other countries in 2011, and they're behind much of the administration's "big data" push, which strives to put government records in the public eye. With the newest plan, the White House says it's committed to "concrete and measurable goals for achieving a more transparent, participatory, and collaborative government." Some of the plan is meant to streamline and expand services that were built under the first action plan, including White House petition platform We the People and, a repository of data collected by federal agencies.

via Tech News Headlines - Yahoo! News

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