wtorek, 16 kwietnia 2013

Google Glass Packaging Looks a Lot Like Apple iPhone Packaging

Google Glass Packaging Looks a Lot Like Apple iPhone Packaging The first few hundred Google Glass headsets are now in the hands of the luck "Explorers" who coughed up $1,500 for the device. Obviously, the proud new owners meticulously documented the unboxing process. And as you might expect, those photos show that Google took a page from Apple when designing the presentation of the new technology to its new owners. Aside from the image of glasses lenses, the white box could be an iPhone box. The white plug could be an iPhone plug. The black cable, however, just screams Google. (Just kidding, it doesn't. ...

via Tech News Headlines - Yahoo! News http://news.yahoo.com/google-glass-packaging-looks-lot-apple-iphone-packaging-020535488.html

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