czwartek, 21 marca 2013

Send to Kindle button now available for websites, allowing users to save content for later

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Send to Kindle button now available for websites, allowing users to save content for later. Kindle, Kindle Fire, instapaper, Pocket 0

Amazon has launched a Send to Kindle button that can be embedded on websites and WordPress blogs, allowing Kindle users to save articles for later reading on their devices.


The Washington Post, Time and Boing Boing are among the first publications to feature the Send to Kindle button. It looks like the typical social media buttons on websites, and when clicked, will ask for a user's Amazon information.


The Send to Kindle button is Amazon's approach to an alternative to the popular read-it-later services Instapaper and Pocket. These types of services are especially useful for not only reading something when you get time, but keeping research organized for later access.


A Send to Kindle button has been available on the Chrome webstore for quite sometime, but the website button will have a broader reach to more people. Saving articles isn't limited to just Kindle eReaders and the Fire tablet line, but will also extend to the Kindle reading apps available for iPhone, iPad and Android.


Tags: Kindle Kindle Fire instapaper Pocket

Send to Kindle button now available for websites, allowing users to save content for later originally appeared on on Wed, 20 Mar 2013 20:03:00 +0000

via Pocket-lint

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